Our Approach
Be Well LLC
Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI)
"Be Well" was a natural fit for our name because unlike standard tests, DITI looks at a patient's unique physiology and records subtle changes over periods of time, assisting doctors and clinicians in not just diagnosis, but in keeping a watchful eye on the stability or subtle changes in their patients' physiology, which can aid in prescribing protocols to help patients be well and prevent or reverse disease.
Our founder became interested in Thermography because of the proactive nature of this modality, and because she felt it saved her life (story below). She provides personal testimony to the idea that problems in need of attention may be picked up safely and easily with Thermography, even in the absence of symptoms.
Our Story

Jo Vaccarino
Certified Clinical Thermographer
and Founder of Be Well
A message from Jo...
When I was in my early 30s, my doctor referred me for a breast thermogram. He did this for two primary reasons: first, that my young age and dense breast tissue made the mammogram less effective; and second, because he needed a physiological test to confirm his suspicions that my discomfort was due to lymphatic congestion.
During the imaging, the thermographer noticed a pattern of hyperthermia tracing my carotid artery and an upper body study was done. My cholesterol levels and blood pressure were normal and there were no symptoms or apparent risk factors, but the thermographic images made a clear case for seeking clinical correlation. Ultrasound confirmed 70% stenosis in the left carotid artery. I often wonder where I would be now if thermography had not detected the blockage early enough for intervention. That thermogram also provided valuable information that helped resolve soft tissue damage from the same injury that likely caused the stenosis.
Another reason I decided to turn thermography into my next career was because it created a graphical representation of issues that I studied and worked with as an occupational therapy assistant. Part of my job as an OT assistant included helping patients make modifications in their daily activities to avoid or alleviate chronic pain and/or avoid creating compensatory problems in response to physical limitations. Had I known about thermography back then my job would have been so much easier! Thermography quite often clearly demonstrates patterns of stress that are related to daily activities.
Our bodies send us signals - sometimes long before symptoms even present. We often teach ourselves to discount or ignore the signals until we can no longer avoid seeking intervention. Thermography is a way to visualize and monitor our unique physiological activity and aid us in the pursuit of optimal wellness.
I enjoy helping my clients solve mysteries, find early clues or just monitor their health so they can achieve optimal wellness. I also feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with and learn from the innovative doctors and practitioners who refer patients for thermography.
I look forward to serving you.
Live passionately, laugh often and be well!
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